Green & blue blueprint for wakefield city centre

A holistic approach to green recovery & climate resilience

Feedback & Changes

Overall positive commentary on the greening proposals with requests for additional clarification on the initiatives. We have included further details which can be reviewed in the Chapter 5: Green & Blue blueprint of the Draft Masterplan document.

Green & Blue

Responding to consultation feedback, combined with current approaches for tackling climate change, the masterplan sets the base for a holistic green and blue transformation plan. The blueprint helps to establish the green and blue corridors through implementing street planting, rain gardens, green roofs and walls, eco-corridors, revealing water bodies, enabling access to the riverfront, as well as new gardens and pockets of green spaces, implemented along future development opportunities.

An interactive blueprint

Green Waterfront

Opening the waterfront to its surroundings, implementing new walking and cycling connections to and along the river Calder.

Ings Beck Corridor

Unveiling the water body, creating a new green and blue corridor with a series of new spaces linking east to west

Green Spine

Strengthening the connection between Westgate, Cathedral Precinct and The Hepworth Gallery. Interventions include segregated bike lanes, enhanced public realm, sidewalks, and crossings, legible wayfinding with public art display and formalised tree planting.

Greening the Streets

Enhance key links to achieve urban cooling and surface water management through increased tree planting, landscape and rain gardens.

George Street Rain Gardens

Potential for creation of a rain garden network (a Sustainable Urban Drainage system, areas of planting/landscape designed to capture rain fall and water run off) focused along George Street, reinforced by a new cycling link and new links connecting existing and future green spaces within George Street neighbourhood.

Emerald Ring

Closing the green loop around the city with extensive tree planting and provision of new cycleways.

New Open Green Spaces (Northgate & KING Project)

Areas to include new public open space as part of new developments to improve the city’s offer of green spaces. Additional sites to be explored and provided as part of future development sites.


Enhancing biodiversity regeneration by safeguarding green spaces around the rail lines.

Green Roofs and Walls

Explore the opportunity for vertical greening of large blank façades as well as re-use of rooftop surface for allotment gardens or energy generation, such as the Ridings, Trinity Walk and KING Project to increase greening and biodiversity.