A vibrant cathedral quarter

This page zooms in on the Cathedral Quarter showing how the overlaid blueprints could create a vibrant, connected place. Improvements include new open and green spaces, street planting, refurbished shop-fronts, re-purposed historic buildings and vacant units, increased leisure offer, experiential retail and culture, as well as increased city living offer.

Feedback & Changes

The masterplan provides a range of suggestions across the city centre for public realm improvements, increased footfall, celebrating heritage, attract youth and family etc. This responds to the feedback we received on providing a better connected and vibrant city for the people of Wakefield.

An interactive map

Creating a ‘Green Spine’ route from Wakefield Westgate to The Hepworth Gallery, with increased pedestrian priority, urban greening, clear wayfinding and public art. This includes pedestrianisation of southern section of Wood Street and Cross Square.

Modal filters promoting low-traffic routes through the city centre, enhancing the walking and cycling experience and allowing for increased street planting and sustainable urban drainage infrastructure.

Cathedral Square & Bread Street – the civic heart of Wakefield - enlarge and open up the space for events, flexible meanwhile use and temporary events. Activation of existing shop fronts with reinstating Bread Street historic link and a new canopy.

Strengthening the main retail link between the Ridings, Trinity Walk and beyond to George Street with improved public realm, consistent materials and legibility.

Connect Wakefield- Re-purposing of bigger retail units into culture and leisure uses to attract family and youth, as well as opportunity to showcase the city’s history and creative offer.

Review the role of the Ridings as part of the consolidation of the retail core providing the opportunity for a phased regeneration.